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Training With James “G5” Lee

Get IN Shape

Real Work. Real Results.

G5 Performance Sports Medicine , G5 Performance Sports Medicine , G5 Performance Sports Medicine , G5 Performance Sports Medicine , G5 Performance Sports Medicine , G5 Performance Sports Medicine , G5 Performance Sports Medicine , G5 Performance Sports Medicine , G5 Performance Sports Medicine , G5 Performance Sports Medicine ,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dignissim porttitor consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis malesuada ante nec odio rhoncus, et consectetur eros gravida. Duis sit amet lectus in lacus maximus tincidunt vitae et ligula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel neque placerat, commodo nibh eget, ornare nunc. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse mi enim, vestibulum vel nisl quis, placerat vestibulum nisi. Suspendisse quis ipsum a erat cursus ornare. Cras lectus massa, accumsan ut faucibus ut, ultricies et ligula. Nunc cursus leo id felis rhoncus dignissim. Proin vel arcu tristique, cursus tellus sit amet, vestibulum urna. Aenean sodales massa tincidunt, commodo felis eget, maximus diam. Quisque ac facilisis nulla. Integer varius velit in augue convallis, nec dapibus lacus aliquet. Sed malesuada a sapien molestie pharetra.

Aenean et sollicitudin mi, id tristique erat. Sed imperdiet laoreet lacus consequat pretium. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur dignissim leo sit amet metus posuere, a mattis dolor aliquet. Nam posuere metus eu ipsum viverra, dignissim posuere nibh sollicitudin. Donec sagittis tempor ullamcorper. Proin a porta arcu. Mauris et mi porttitor, aliquet risus tristique, congue tellus. Mauris ut quam nisl.

Aliquam vestibulum mi tellus, in tincidunt neque rutrum et. Phasellus dapibus, velit in ultricies fermentum, nunc libero laoreet orci, a porta nibh nulla a elit. Quisque sagittis nulla et finibus vehicula. Etiam ultricies ipsum eu ligula luctus cursus non quis sapien. Etiam tempus neque a lacus ultricies, at vestibulum ligula dapibus. Morbi ultricies magna et tellus gravida, nec semper felis varius. Donec eu lorem sed lectus vulputate malesuada. Aenean eu orci vitae diam pretium lobortis. Morbi ut risus ut dolor faucibus gravida eu vel neque. Nam ornare rhoncus lacus a maximus. Donec interdum metus ut pharetra pharetra. Morbi tellus dui, vulputate sed aliquet in, mattis at dui. Morbi fermentum quis magna non semper. Nam a erat at nisl tincidunt venenatis. In ut diam eu lectus pharetra bibendum.

Aenean ac lacinia diam. Ut eu diam nunc. Suspendisse scelerisque, turpis auctor suscipit eleifend, nulla purus eleifend libero, sed tempor sapien ligula at est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Praesent venenatis at justo in porta. Vivamus condimentum mauris at sollicitudin auctor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum a lorem erat. Integer quis maximus orci. Donec vestibulum tortor et pulvinar porttitor. Sed fringilla molestie dolor, in molestie justo porttitor at. In leo sapien, eleifend ac luctus in, dictum ut quam. Nulla dignissim aliquam enim, sit amet lacinia mi rhoncus at. Maecenas accumsan arcu ut bibendum luctus. Aenean volutpat euismod faucibus. Donec dictum at augue feugiat iaculis.

Vivamus vitae aliquet mi. Maecenas at ultrices ex. Phasellus porta venenatis erat quis pharetra. Integer in semper eros, ac gravida enim. Sed orci est, maximus at efficitur vitae, laoreet sed neque. Vivamus in lectus eu massa aliquam auctor at in turpis. Morbi elementum, orci sit amet imperdiet tristique, lacus libero viverra dolor, vitae auctor risus dolor in nisi. In sit amet velit a leo laoreet vestibulum.

• Strength & Conditioning

• Martial Arts/Self Defense 

• Macronutrient Meal Plan 

• Injury Management & Rehab 

& More

Wherever you are in your wellness journey, I’m here to help you plan and launch your fitness goals. From this point on, our work together will be challenging, collaborative, and full of sweat-worthy achievements!

I’ve spent the last 10 years committed to training and educating myself in coaching all levels of fitness, strength, and health. I know what you need to be motivated, and the best way to get the most out of your workout – And I’m with you every step of the way!

How do we start? We begin by customizing a program tailored specifically to you that will become our roadmap. You and I are both responsible for getting you to where you want to be. You already have what it takes to reach your fitness goals, let’s unlock it together. Let’s do this, and let’s do it right.

My promise is to help you make one of the greatest changes in your life!  In mind, body, and spirit.

Coach G5 Lee
Founder | Owner
G5 Sports Medicine

Mobility Station

A Pilates Mobility Station, also known as wall bars or stall bars, is a versatile apparatus offers a wide range of exercises that target various muscle groups and promote flexibility, strength, and coordination. By utilizing the rungs and bars of the ladder, users can perform exercises such as hanging leg raises, pull-ups, and stretching routines, which help improve core stability, upper body strength, and overall mobility.

Inverted Gravity Boots

Inverted gravity boots are designed to allow users to hang upside down, to offer a unique form of decompression and stretching for the spine. By inverting the body, the boots help to relieve pressure on the spine and joints, promoting spinal alignment and reducing back pain.

Additionally, inverted exercises can improve flexibility, increase blood circulation, and enhance joint mobility. Inverted gravity boots are particularly beneficial for individuals looking to improve their core strength.

Pilates Barrel

Designed to support and challenge the body in various positions, the Pilates barrel offers a unique range of exercises that target core strength, flexibility, and overall body alignment. By utilizing the barrel’s curved surface, users can engage in exercises that promote spinal mobility, improve posture, and enhance overall body awareness. The barrel’s shape allows for a deeper stretch and increased range of motion, making it particularly beneficial for individuals looking to improve flexibility and joint mobility.

Pilates Reformer

The Pilates Reformer utilizes a sliding carriage, adjustable springs, and various attachments to provide resistance and support during exercises. By utilizing the reformer’s unique design, users can perform exercises that challenge the body in a controlled and low-impact manner, making it suitable for individuals of all fitness levels. The reformer’s adjustable resistance allows for progressive training, enabling users to gradually increase the intensity of their workouts as their strength and mobility improve.

Infrared Sauna

Unlike traditional saunas that heat the air, infrared saunas use infrared heaters to emit radiant heat that directly warms the body. This allows for a more gentle and comfortable experience, as the heat penetrates deeper into the skin without excessively heating the surrounding air. Infrared saunas also operate at lower temperatures, making them more tolerable for individuals who may find high temperatures uncomfortable. In terms of health benefits, infrared saunas promote detoxification by inducing a deep sweat that helps eliminate toxins from the body.


At G5 Sports Medicine, crafting a personalized workout plan for each customer is at the core of our approach. We begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment, carefully considering your fitness goals, current physical condition, past injuries or limitations, and general preferences. With this information in hand, our fitness experts meticulously design a tailored workout regimen that addresses the specific needs and aspirations of the customer.


Why Training


G5 Sports Medicine offers a comprehensive range of fitness solutions, including strength training, mobility services, and weight loss services. Our highly skilled and certified trainers are dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fitness goals through tailored workout programs. Whether clients are looking to increase strength, improve mobility, or shed excess weight, our personal trainer service is committed to delivering effective and personalized fitness solutions.

Strength Training

• Tailored to individual goals and fitness levels.

• Progressive resistance training to build strength and endurance.

• Proper form and technique guidance to prevent potential injuries.

• Varied exercises targeting different muscle groups for a well-rounded
strength training routine


• Personalized mobility assessments to identify areas of improvement.

• Targeted mobility exercises to increase flexibility and range of motion.

• Joint mobility drills to enhance overall movement quality and reduce stiffness.

• Integration of mobility exercises into warm-up and cool-down routines for injury prevention


• Personalized weight loss plans based on individual goals & body analysis.

• Customized nutrition guidance to support healthy weight loss.

• High-intensity interval training workouts to boost metabolism, burn calories.

• Regular progress tracking & adjustments to ensure steady, sustainable weight loss

Go Faster, Go Harder, Go Further, Go Longer, and Go Again!

G5 Performance Fuel Gels are the perfect way to start a workout or to push yourself further! G5 is the perfect way to get up and go.




Comprehensive Assessment


Physiotherapy Integration


Customized Workout Plans


Ongoing Support and Monitoring

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

“I really appreciate when James G5 Lee takes his time and implement step-by-step protocols to improve my lifting, it’s like learning Chinese or Russian with smart translator.”

Henrik S.


“James G5 Lee is helping me to fight genetics and develop the strength I have always wished I had. His ability to hear what I want and put it into action is the individualized program I have been looking for!”

Nancy T.

Speech Pathologist

“James G5’s coaching goes beyond weights and training. His attention-to-details is second to none. And he does extras, customizes a plan and a vision, in and outside the gym.”


Account Services

“G5performance has helped me not only improve my physical appearance and overall wellness, but has made a great impact on my mental health as well. G gives you confidence throughout each workout that I transferred into my everyday life.” 

Karen O.


“I can’t thank James & G5 performance enough for all he has done for my health. I use to dread going to the gym. Now, with G5performance, it’s my favorite part of the day. He brings the best out of me and always has fun with the workouts. James makes you understand that not everything in life has to be serious- making the exercises fun makes the time spent in the gym a great time.”

Jason S.

Fine Restaurant Owner, The Eddy | Wallflower

“James G5 Lee is super knowledgeable in all aspects of fitness and nutrition. He breaks down every workout and exercise so I can get the most out of each rep or set. I’ve trained with personal trainers before, and James by far is the knowledgeable and motivating out there.”

Sanford B.



Why choose G5 Sports Medicine over our competitors?








Questions? Ready to Book an Assessment? Contact us using the form below.

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