Pole Data

MagniFlood has been one of the biggest names in Pole manufacturing for over 70 years. Our steel and aluminum poles stand the test of time as a crossroads of form, function and design. From Post Tops to large Roadway Safety pictures- there is a pole for every application and a design to suit any environment. The following Pole Data is to provide more information about pole construction, materials, design, and optional features.

Round Aluminum Poles

Catalog No.
Height (ft) x Width (in) x Wall (in)
Bolt Circle (in.)
Maximum Fixture Weight (lbs)
Pole “EPA” Ratio for Base Wind Velocity of:
Anchor Bolt Dia. x Length
Shipping Weight (lbs)
80 MPH 90MPH 100MPH
PA3RD10-12 10h X 3dia x .12 10.5 in 75 13.5 10.2 7.1 5/8″ x 18″ 25
PA4RD10-12 10h x 4dia x .12 10.5 in 75 9.2 6.0 3.2 5/8″ x 18″ 30
PA4RD15-15 15h x 4dia x .15 10.5 in 100 8.9 6.2 4.2 3/4″ x 30″ 52
PA4RD15-18 15h x 4dia x .18 10.5 in 150 14.5 10.3 7.4 3/4″ x 30″ 58
PA4RD15-25 15h x 4.0dia x .25 10.5 in 200 20.3 16.8 13.5 3/4″ x 30″ 72
PA4.5RD15-18 15h x 4.5dia x .18 10.5 in 175 19.9 15.9 12.6 3/4″ x 30″ 62
PA4.5RD15-25 15h x 4.5dia x .25 10.5 in 250 22.7 18.0 15.4 3/4″ x 30″ 94
PA5RD20-18 20h 5dia x .18 10.5 in 250 13.9 9.4 6.4 3/4″ x 30″ 98
PA5RD20-25 20h x 5dia x .25 10.5 in 300 20.3 15.2 12.4 3/4″ x 30″ 123
PA6RD25-18 25h x 6dia x.18 11.5 in 300 16.9 13.1 8.3 3/4″ x 30″ 131


Round Aluminum Pole

Pole Data - Aluminum Poles

Square Aluminum Poles

Catalog No.
Height (ft) x Width (in) x Wall (in)
Bolt Circle (in.)
Maximum Fixture Weight (lbs)
Pole “EPA” Ratio for Base Wind Velocity of:
Anchor Bolt Dia. x Length
Shipping Weight (lbs)
80 MPH 90MPH 100MPH
PA4SQ10-12 10h X 4w x .12 11 in
125 18.5 14.1 10.9 3/4″ x 24″
PA4SQ15-12 15h x 4w x .12
11 in 125 8.9 6.2 4.2 3/4″ x 24″
PA4SQ15-18 15h x 4w x .18
11 in 300 14.6 10.7 7.8 3/4″ x 30″ 56
PA4SQ20-18 20h x 4w x .18
11 in
325 7.7 4.9 2.9 3/4″ x 30″
PA5SQ20-18 20h x 5w x .18
12 in
400 14.4 9.9 6.7 3/4″ x 30″
PA5SQ25-18 25h x 5w x .18
12 in
375 7.7 4.2 1.8 1″ x 36″
PA6SQ25-25 25h x 6w x .25
13 in
400 20.6 14.0 9.4 1″ x 36″
PA6SQ30-25 25h x 6w x .25
13 in
325 12.4 7.1 3.4 1″ x 36″


Square Aluminum Pole

Pole Data - Square Aluminum Pole

Round Tapered Aluminum Poles

Catalog No.
Height (ft) x Width (in) x Wall (in)
Bolt Circle (in.)
Maximum Fixture Weight (lbs)
Pole “EPA” Ratio for Base Wind Velocity of:
Anchor Bolt Dia. x Length
Shipping Weight (lbs)
80 MPH 90MPH 100MPH
PA4RT12-15 12h x 4-3 tap x .15 8.0 in 150 11.9 9.1 7.1 5/8″ x 18″ 44
PA6RT20-18 20h x 6-4 tap x .18 9.5 in 150 10.9 8.4 6.8 3/4″ x 30″ 95
PA7RT20-18 20h x 7-4 tap x .18 10.5 in 175 19.8 15.5 12.4 3/4″ x 30″ 135
PA7RT25-18 25h x 7-4 tap x .18 10.5 in 175 13.6 10.5 8.4 3/4″ x 30″ 158
PA8RT25-18 25h x 8-4.5tp x .18 11.5 225 14.3 15.0 12.0 3/4″ x 30″ 170
PA8RT30-18 30h x 8-4.5tp x .18 11.5 225 13.9 10.7 8.5 1″ x 36″ 199

Round Tapered Aluminum Pole


Pole Data - Round Tapered Aluminum Pole

Round Steel Poles

Catalog No.
Height (ft) x Width (in) x Wall (in)
Bolt Circle (in.)
Maximum Fixture Weight (lbs)
Pole “EPA” Ratio for Base Wind Velocity of:
Anchor Bolt Dia. x Length
Shipping Weight (lbs)
80 MPH 90MPH 100MPH
PS3RD10-07 10h x 3dia x .07 8.5 in 85 15.7 11.6 7.8 5/8″ x 18″ 26
PS4RD10-07 10h x 4dia x .07 8.5 in 100 16.5 12.3 8.3 5/8″ x 18″ 50
PS4RD15-09 15h x 5dia x .12 8.5 in 125 9.0 6.9 5.3 5/8″ x 18″ 82
PS5RD15-12 15h x 5dia x .12 10.25 in 400 23.1 17.8 14.5 3/4″ x 30″ 124
PS5RD20-12 20h x 5dia x .12 10.5 in 400 14.5 13.0 12.1 3/4″ x 30″ 156
PS6RD20-12 20h x 6dia x .12 11.5 in 450 19.2 14.9 13.8 3/4″ x 30″ 189
PS6RD25-12 25h x 6dia x .12 11.5 in 450 18.5 13.9 12.6 3/4″ x 30″ 241


Round Steel Pole


Pole Data - Round Steel Pole

Square Steel Poles

Catalog No.
Height (ft) x Width (in) x Wall (in)
Bolt Circle (in.)
Maximum Fixture Weight (lbs)
Pole “EPA” Ratio for Base Wind Velocity of:
Anchor Bolt Dia. x Length
Shipping Weight (lbs)
80 MPH 90MPH 100MPH
PS4SQ10-12 10h X 4w x .12 10.5 in
250 25.5 19.6 15.2 3/4″ x 24″
PS4SQ15-12 15h x 4w x .12
10.5 in
300 12.5 9.3 7.1 3/4″ x 24″
PS4SQ20-12 20h x 4w x .12 10.5 in 400 7.1 4.9 3.2 3/4″ x 24″ 149
PS4SQ20-18 20h x 4w x .18
10.5 in
400 14.0 10.5 7.8 3/4″ x 30″ 214
PS4SQ25-12 25h x 4w x .12
10.5 in
400 8.1 5.2 3.0 3/4″ x 30″
PS4SQ25-18 25h x 4w x .18 10.5 in 400 8.8 6.0 3.9 3/4″ x 30″ 264
PS5SQ20-12 20h x 5w x .18
10.5 in
400 9.0 5.9 3.5 3/4″ x 30″
PS5SQ20-18 25h x 5w x .18
10.5 in
400 24.4 18.5 14.2 3/4″ x 30″
PS5SQ25-12 25h x 5w x .12 10.5 in 400 21.0 13.5 9.0 3/4″ x 30″ 250
PS5SQ25-18 25h x 5w x .18 10.5 in 450 19.3 14.1 10.3 1″ x 35″ 360
PS5SQ25-25* 25h x 5w x .25 10.5 in 525 22.5 19.8 15.6 1″ x 36″ 447
PS5SQ30-18 30h x 5w x .18 11.5 in 375 12.4 8.2 5.2 1″ x 36″ 425
PS6SQ25-18* 25h x 6w x .18 12 in 450 23.4 17.2 12.4 1″ x 36″ 406
PS6SQ25-25* 25h x 6w x .18 12 in 525 27.4 22.1 16.1 1″ x 36″ 540
PS6SQ30-18* 30h x 6w x .18 12 in 525 20.5 14.3 9.8 1″ x 36″ 515
PS6SQ30-25* 30h x 6w x .25 12 in 525 22.1 17.8 14.2 1″ x 36″ 650


Square Steel Pole


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